THE THEORY BEHIND THETA AND MEST A lecture given on 12 June 1951 The Mechanics of ARC and the Tone Scale The following is a quotation from an article on the "ultimate development" in the field of psychotherapy and human relations: FEAR AND WORRY SEEN AS BIG OBSTACLES "Fear has ruined more people than all the germs in the world," Dale Carnegie, author and lecturer, told 172 persons Monday night at a dinner held at the Lassen Hotel. Carnegie, author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, addressed the graduates and students of the Dale Carnegie Courses from all sections of the state. He related that your worst enemy is yourself. He added that worry is all that can come if a person is affected by what another says instead of taking the substance of criticism or otherwise. AS for fear, the speaker pointed out that the basic fear is that of not being appreciated. If a man would realize that all people want to be appreciated and if he would remember this, he too, in turn, would be appreciated. Carnegie told the group that floods, losses of cattle and debts caused his father worry as far back as he could remember, and he added that his father had threatened to kill himself many times but never did because his mother made him feel useful and needed. Now, I want you to really appreciate that fear and worry are big obstacles! The reason they have been big obstacles in the past is very simple: nobody had them classified as being anything. That is the truth. They are different entities and they manifest themselves in various ways. Fear and worry are misemotions, according to the new book Science of Survival. That is in print, so you have to believe it! (That reminds me of an electrical engineer who had a terrific argument going on in his room. The others were saying, "But that's not so; you know very well that the law is otherwise!" Finally he reached up and pulled a book off the bookshelf, opened it up and showed them right there in print the law he was quoting. They read it all very happily, and they said, "All right, if you say so." And he closed the book and put it back up on the shelf. He was the author!) We have a rough division of emotion, which is, of course, the standard division of the tone scale: 2.0. It is not because something suddenly happens at 2.0 that we divide it there, but because that is the point of more or less null, above which people tend to survive-to go toward survival-and below which people tend to succumb. The entheta band is from 2.0 down and the Theta band is from 2.0 up. It is very simple. It so happens that if an individual has a great deal of entheta- enturbulated Theta-it holds him somewhere on the band below 2.0, but unless this person is ravingly psychotic you will find that he has some free Theta. That percentage of free Theta that he has left is still able to operate in the upper band. However, when he gets very enturbulated he sinks down to his own level; that is, when his present time environment begins to compare with his point on the tone scale below 2.0, he reacts all the way along the line at that point. Then, after this, when the environment changes again, a tiny bit of this free Theta is still held below that line as a lock and the rest of it floats free. In this way, a person can manifest at 4.0 although he is really a 1.1 reactively. In other words, he has free Theta which can be enturbulated or can exist in a more or less clear state and which is responsive to the environment; and he also has a total stet reaction to the environment-a reaction toward the environment which is unalterable. When we are talking about free Theta we are also talking about the amount of analyzer which is still turned on. That is the energy which is running analytically. The analyzer is above 2.0 and the reactive mind is below 2.0. Analytically, then, a person can shift around emotionally, but reactively he gives a set reaction. This is the most horrible thing about the reactive mind: it doesn't alter; it just gets a little bit more so. The analytical mind can change. Now, the clearest manifestation of that is the exhibition of emotion. That is very easy to see; it is so easy to see that man has been harping on it for an awfully long time. He thinks in terms of emotion. For instance, people say, "This man is not rational, he is emotional!" If you try to fit this statement into any kind of logic, it just doesn't fit. You could say, "This man is not logical, he is misemotional." What they are trying to do is measure how analytical this individual is by the amount of misemotion which he demonstrates. Yet a person who was thoroughly analytical-a 4.0, in other words-would be a very emotional person; all of his emotion would be free. If you process a person for a while, you may see that he has more and more responsive emotion. He can respond toward pleasure more easily; he can pick up and respond to his environment, particularly in the upper pleasure band, and you see that more and more of this takes place. He has more and more emotion which he can demonstrate. So the most logical person would be the most emotional person. The trouble here is these words emotion and emotional. So in the book Science of Survival we subdivide emotion into emotion, which is above 2.0, and misemotion (just to have another word) below 2.0. If you know your tone scale, you know what misemotion would consist of: antagonism, anger, fear, grief and apathy-that band. However, just because there is emotion and emotion is so easy to observe is no reason to overlook the fact that there is an actual force in the field of communication. It would be just as accurate by the old terms of "He is not logical, he is emotional" to say "He is not logical, he is communicational" or "He is not logical, he is affinitiable" or some such thing, because it just does not make sense. Emotion is one of the parts of affinity. There are actual parts of communication. A communication secondary theoretically can exist all by itself. A reality secondary-an unreality secondary, I should say-can exist as a very heavy charge all by itself; just how this thing comes off as a charge rather avoids you until you have run one. We suddenly run into the fact that we don't have adequate language to describe exactly what this is because it has not been observed before. But a severe reality break-a severe disagreement, in other words-can be right there on the band, let us say, with fear on the affinity line. Now, these emotions that we have been talking about are on the affinity line. Emotion is part of the affinity band. The basic theory behind the Theta-MEST theory is something you should know. It isn't even covered in Science of Survival. When you think of Theta, you may have some slight difficulty in trying to fit it into your own frame of reference. We are talking about something relatively new-at least in the technology of mental behavior-when we are talking about Theta. We are not talking about anything new, though, in the field of philosophy or religion. People have been postulating something to take the place of what we are calling Theta-for instance, Bergson's elan vital, and so on. They didn't know all its component parts or what it did or what its relationship was to the being; they just felt that there was some kind of an energy, not unlike electricity and not like electricity, which comprised the human soul and the vitality of a human being. They could see this sort of thing: they would meet somebody and after they had talked to this person for a little while they would realize that they could sort of feel their energy drain down. What they were actually feeling was themselves going down the tone scale. This, by the way, is the background of the vampire legend. Two people meet and one of them for some reason or other seems to soak up the vitality of the other person. Occasionally in partnerships you will find one partner is dependent utterly upon the vitality of the other partner in some way or other. Actually, you have one person fairly high on the tone scale and one person fairly low on the tone scale. The one who is low on the tone scale needs the person high on the tone scale to keep himself pulled up. The one high on the tone scale doesn't need the other one at all. Now, people could sort of feel as though something were being drained out of them, so they said, "This must be some sort of an effluvia-an ectoplasm which hurdy-gurdies on the mismoplass... And it's all very technical and you couldn't possibly understand it, but we understand because we are . . . Well, we don't even like to talk about it; we have to sort of protect the mystery." And by protecting the mystery they managed to build up a tremendous castle of nothing behind this curtain. But, nevertheless, they were still talking about this strange energy. The reason we had to start talking about it in Dianetics was ARC. We ran into three things and on looking further found them all to be the same thing. Affinity, reality and communication were closely interrelated; each one was utterly dependent upon the other two. What was this stuff? We began to look a little bit further and found the Theta-MEST theory. You could even say that Theta was part of the physical universe, except it doesn't behave like anything else in the physical universe that anybody has ever run into. So let's just kind of keep it apart and keep our eye on it. But Theta has three parts: affinity, reality and communication; and each one of those is an energy-an energy component of a main energy. This would be something like a band of electricity; it flows. The electrons flow along a wire. There is a telephone cable these days that will carry as many as a hundred conversations on the same cable. Here, actually, you have the same cable carrying three things: affinity, reality and communication. That would be this Theta, and those are the component parts of Theta. There may be some more parts, but I haven't run into them yet. Affinity, reality and communication have so far been able to fulfill all the requirements necessary to resolve cases. If there were another part, or two or three more parts, to this same energy and we ran into them, maybe cases would resolve faster; I don't know. Now, Theta also has a polarity. Polarity is a pretty hard thing to describe, actually. You take a beam of light and put it through a screen, and on one side of the screen it has one polarity, and the screen changes it so that on the other side of the screen it has an opposite polarity. If you could take light of the first polarity up against light of the second polarity, they would null one way or the other. You can do all sorts of strange tricks with energy in the physical universe such as light and heat and so on. This Theta does something very interesting. This is just a postulate, but it could be considered to take these three component parts of affinity, reality and communication and cause them to react one against the other and all three of them to react into MEST at various positions on the tone scale. Up at the top of the tone scale we have what is apparently a single cord, you might say, or a single energy; that would be more or less pure Theta. It has as its component parts, however, affinity, reality and communication. If we magnified this cord we would find that we have eight of them. There is one for each dynamic and each one of them has ARC as its component parts. But we are taking just one of these-or as far as that is concerned, we can take the bundle of eight and not separate them, and take just the main ARC triangle, and that, together, we can call relatively pure Theta. Theta can get so pure that it just sort of floats off into the blue. This is very simple. You shoot a man with a bullet between the eyes and his Theta floats off into the blue! This is a test which they are conducting in Korea at this time, and have conducted in the past many times. They do not seem, yet, to have discovered that the method of clearing people is not to send the Theta out into the blue. I will admit that this method is efficacious to some degree but it doesn't have any lasting effect, because when that Theta is sent out into the blue, the people who are attached to the MEST body that it left from get enturbulated. Eventually they get angry and all their Theta has to be sent out into the blue, and then somebody has to invent an H-bomb and knock a whole nation out into the blue, and it becomes very inefficient. What we are doing is making it unnecessary to kill people that way just because they happen to be down the tone scale or of a different ideological bent, and so forth. Now, in the upper part of the tone scale would be unenturbulated Theta, and just for the sake of courtesy, from the top down to 2.0 we call it Theta. But as it goes down the band it gets more and more uneven and enturbulated. From 2.0 down, however, it is getting so thoroughly enturbulated that it is kicking itself to pieces. It is nulling itself out. ARC could be said, then, to be changed in vibration in two ways: (1) by being banged too heavily into MEST, and (2) by being separated from MEST- in other words, loss. Loss is an inhibition of ARC across the boards; it is one of those broad shotgun things. Loss is actually just as bad as an engram. You get enforced reality on somebody or inhibited reality on somebody, and those make relatively light locks. But when you get loss of MEST or loss of another organism or loss of some part of the organism, a definite enturbulation takes place there. So in these two fashions-by being hit too hard into MEST or by being pulled out of MEST- we get a gradual enturbulation. Theoretically, the Theta body-or the soul, the elan vital, whatever it is-at the moment of conception is relatively pure. That is to say, there has been a good union there. If it were not for the existence of past lives and if it were not for the fact that evidently the Theta body has already been kicked to bits by the time it gets into the organism, we could say this very bluntly. I don't know how far back you have to go on the genetic span or on the Theta line to get a really pure Theta, but I do know that theoretically you could disenturbulate a person completely with this life and disenturbulate all his past lives and you would just then start into this band of pure Theta. But you would have to disenturbulate everything. That is why on the new chart we have 1000 and 40.0 on the tone scale, and we just draw a jagged band between those two points and say, "Potentialities unknown." Actually there seems to be some sort of a Theta universe or a Theta contact out there. It has something to do with a Theta body. We don't quite know what it is. There are possibly Theta perceptics and there are possibly all sorts of things. So as you get a preclear up to 4.0, and you figure out that you have disenturbulated him pretty well in this life, his Theta will react along the 4.0 band. By the way, you are much better off to talk about a 4.0 than you are a clear, because anybody any time in his life can be a 4.0 and yet have buckets of engrams. It is possible, then, for a person to be a 4.0. This is less and less so as his life goes on, but at some point in his line of existence it is possible for him to be a 4.0. A person very often is a 4.0; you could say he is behaving like a clear. But let us forget about that "like a clear" and just call it 4.0 and let it go at that. This makes good sense, because I find people are getting up where they start feeling good and they start taking on their weight in wildcats and so on, but they go around complaining, "I'm not a clear yet." Nonsense! If that were all we could do for people after thirty-six hours of processing, we would still be doing a lot more than has ever been done before. But we are kind of greedy, so we have got to go all the way out. Now, up at the top of the tone scale you have a free-Theta band. How free it gets and how it changes up there, I don't know. I know that is reprehensible of me! I get scolded every once in a while because engrams go together in the bank the way they do, or because secondaries sit the way they sit. Why don't they sit some other way? In other words, why don't I do something about it? People sometimes look at me accusatively about all of this. I want to give you an analogy here. A musical note consists of three things: pitch, volume and quality. We have those three things on the tone scale. If you put musical notes on an oscilloscope, you will find some notes are nice, smooth sine waves and some are not quite so smooth. Noise would look different than that. Noise would be all mixed up-like a "normal" person. Theoretically, then, a Theta body going along very nicely high on the tone scale would be like a nice crystal-clear note, like just ticking the side of a crystal goblet. But this does not last for long, particularly after a child is born into a somewhat aberrated family, and he goes to school, mixes up with other children, falls down, bumps his head, gets operated on, gets chicken pox, falls in love, then loses his girl-in other words, standard living. The Theta doesn't stay smooth, even if the Theta body started at conception with a pure wavelength, which it evidently does not. What is vibrating against what here? We have pitch-the pitch of a note on the musical scale and the pitch of Theta on this tone scale. We could say the pitch of his Theta is 2.0, and this would mean he is basically rather antagonistic. Or we could say his pitch is 4.0, and this would mean he is a pretty cheerful, able, ethical person. Or he is down around 1.1 or something like that and we say, "He's a communist." This pure note, when enturbulated a little bit (it would be hardly perceptible how much it was enturbulated), is getting down into 3.5. Then it gets a little more enturbulated; the A, R and C of it can be considered to be starting to vibrate against each other, and they are also banging against MEST. Right above that area is the optimum pitch of Theta for union with MEST. Theta has to be at a certain pitch in order to make its conquest of MEST very good. When you start up above this you get hermits and very saintly men who undoubtedly have a very big aura around their heads but they hardly have a shirt to go on their backs; they are up above the optimum position for the conquest of MEST. They are not even interested in MEST. Now, when we get down to 3.0, we are not getting quite the smooth line that we were. And by the time we get it down to about 2.5, his A, R and C are banging together a bit; this person is kind of bored. This is his chronic level. When we get down a little bit further on the scale, we are starting to get some of this noise effect in these three things-antagonism. In other words, we are at this point so far below the point where the Theta unifies well with MEST that the Theta is actually kicking back against it a little bit. It is not going together well at all. And then we get down to where the Theta has come to a pitch which is actually destructive to MEST. By the time this scale gets down to 1.5 the person is trying to kill MEST; he is trying to knock it out and ruin it. That is anger. If you see people who are in chronic anger tones, they are not only destroying the MEST around them but they are destroying their own bodies. They are developing arthritis and depository diseases of various kinds and their hearts start to behave peculiarly, and so on. The union of Theta and MEST here is so bad that the Theta is kicking the MEST out. Here was Hitler and here, probably, was Napoleon. People along this band will take a piece of MEST and say, "This is very pretty. What can I make with this or how can I make this better?" because the social order says that they mustn't destroy things, but what they are actually doing is looking for ways to use it destructively (acting like politicians!). Then we get down into the fear band, and something else has happened. These three lines, at this level, are of a wavelength at which they are starting to part company. A, R and C don't quite vibrate one against the other; it is a hit-or-miss affair. That is fear. We are really getting toward loss. We have gone through where Theta has enough energy to do some destruction-"We'll show this MEST!"-and we have gotten down to a point where this MEST is showing us. The level is such that the wavelength of MEST as it unifies with Theta could be said to be capable of conquering the Theta. And one of the missions of Theta is the conquest of MEST. It might have other missions way up along the line that we don't know about or can only guess at, but its mission is definitely the conquest of MEST in the band in which we are operating. At this level the conquest of MEST has gotten down to the point where it can't even hold on to the MEST it has. We have reached the level of covert hostility. This person can't get mad because that is suppressed, but he has still got enough energy to occasionally lift this slight curtain and shove a dirk through it. What is happening on this wavelength is that A, R and C are nulling a little bit; they are kicking against each other. Now, as we go on down we get into grief; this is where Theta and MEST really part. You could say that the Theta and MEST part life up at 2.0, but right in here between fear and grief is where they really part. A person goes downhill after that with great rapidity, really. Theta and MEST don't get along well together in this band. When an individual loses some very cherished possession, it is the same as if life had been lost a little bit, and he goes into grief. But that is at least a point where he can plead for help; he can do something about it there in the grief band, but things are getting null. This is life we are talking about here. When life starts kicking back one thing against the other, affinity, reality and communication start kicking back to a point where they are nulling each other out. You can imagine one set of waves coming in one way and another set of waves coming in the opposite way, and they damp each other out so they don't really pass very well. That is about what is happening in this grief band. And then we get down to death. That is a complete null. ARC could be said at this point to be completely separated, and death ensues when that takes place. Sudden shock is actually the cause of death in most bullet wounds and this is indicative of something that happens at this level. Theta is operating in MEST and they are both operating in time, and time has a lot to do with a disaster-the sudden disaster or the long-term disaster. You see the relationship: something that blows up in fifteen minutes is much more spectacular than something that blows up in a year. Shock is a sudden depression, either the shock of loss suddenly pulling Theta and MEST apart or the shock of something such as an injury or an engram pushing them in together. But the rapidity of the shock has a lot to do with it. The violence or suddenness of loss, or the suddenness of impact of Theta and MEST-either one of them-acts to suddenly change the wavelength of Theta, and it pulls Theta down the scale. It will, then, more certainly trap the Theta if it is sudden. If the loss or impact is slow, the Theta starts down against it and comes back up. That is why you can take a person into an engram and run him through it phrase by phrase: because the time factor is different. This engram, then, doesn't affect him as violently as it did at the moment of impact. The impact is usually sharp; even during an operation when he is being cut with a knife it is fairly sharp. When you start through this engram at auditing speed you are going much slower than the destruction of the tissue. So you get this sudden depression. The more sudden the depression, the more likely the Theta is to remain down. And if you can cause a very abrupt and sudden drop in tone in anybody, there is a greater chance of the Theta going down, and if you could cause a drop in tone as sudden as that caused by a high-velocity bullet striking an individual-if you could do this just by saying something to them-the person would die. Actually, when you cause a physical impact you are addressing the MEST, and it sort of drives out the Theta; the Theta reacts together with the MEST. But theoretically you can do this on the Theta side alone. That is why people say "Break the news to him slowly." That is actually a very good idea but it is usually done wrong. What they do is break the news to him confusingly. For example, somebody comes in and says, "I have something to tell you. I think you had better sit down." The person says, "What's wrong? What's wrong?" "Now, just be calm." And the poor man to whom he is talking starts spinning and starts going anaten right there. Then he says, "Well, the chauffeur just ran off with your wife." This is getting him confused and that is just exactly like hypnotizing him. Actually, that is all hypnotism is: getting the mind good and fixed or good and confused-one thing or the other- and then putting in a suggestion. The Theta is not aligned to receive it or think about it-and doesn't think about it afterwards. Now, if a 4400 foot-per-second Swift .22l bullet were to strike a black bear, for instance, in the paw, the shock could be sufficient to kill the black bear-and bears are pretty resilient. However, with a 2750 foot-per-second .30 caliber with a 128-grain bullet, you could shoot him in the shoulder and he would keep right on charging. And if you were ever dumb enough to try it with a service model .45 caliber pistol, with the bullet moving at about 900 feet per second, you could stand there and pump lead into his brain and he would come over and claw you to pieces. This is one of the things that Lewis and Clark found out. Their rifles had a muzzle velocity around 700 to 1100 feet per second (depending on how much their hands were shaking when they loaded them up). They went out and ran into grizzly bears, and the first grizzly bear they ran into ran into them. A rescue party was sent out and they found the hunter that had run into the grizzly sitting in the top of a tree! All I am bringing this up for is just to give you an idea of a way to evaluate impact-the ratio of time to the enturbulation and depression of Theta. For instance, we know by observation that if a place is completely destroyed in a matter of seconds, that impact must have been pretty violent. But if it took hours and hours, we can understand that and we just measure the amount of the destruction afterwards. That is one of the reasons why an atomic attack is so deadly. It is the reason Japan surrendered; it was not how much damage had been done by that atom bomb. Suddenly something arrived that nobody understood and it went crunch! and there was no more Hiroshima. Japan went down into apathy and has not yet come out of it. They quit right there. But Madrid had Fascist bombers over it day in and day out. Berlin had Allied bombers over it one right after the other, raiding continually, dropping blockbusters and everything else you could think of, and that place is a complete ruin today. It is nothing but blocks and blocks and square miles of gutted walls and piles of rubbish. But it took years to do that and they sort of got used to it and the populace got mad; they got mad at their assailants. Why? There was no sudden impact to drop them any lower than 1.5. They had been pretty well at 1.5 before they started the war and the bombing just made them more 1.5-in other words, stepped up the volume. I call to your attention the fact that an atomic attack on the United States which would all in a breath destroy our twenty-one major cities-as well as Washington-would come down on the country as a serious shock because it would probably all happen in the same hour. Then all of a sudden communications and everything else would be blocked off; All people would hear would be "You can't get anything to Pittsburgh; it's gone You can't get to Boston; that's gone. New York is gone, and San Francisco, and . . ." You would have people dying from the shock of realizing what had happened. The old gag "He had a weak heart, because when I told him the news he died" is the same thing. However, if the enemy could just arrange to have those cities destroyed over a period of one month, it would probably be a lot better for the country. But all the country actually has to do is just conceive the idea that the country can function on twenty-one major cities gone (particularly Washington), and it would just function beautifully. It could. There isn't any reason to go around holding one's head about it. Just say, "All right, probably that is what is going to happen in an atomic attack. They were nice towns; they had a good library there. But let's get together and put the rest of the country back together again." That is the way Theta builds up against these shocks. In other words, you can proof up against shock. That could come in the line of experience, it could come in the line of education and so on. Actually, it is this: Theta which is given an enormous amount of experience without shock has then tested various levels on the tone scale and has come out of it, and it knows how to match those levels. But a sudden shock which goes clear down to the bottom is completely into the unknown, and the Theta says, "We don't want anything more to do with this body," and out it goes. Or at least some of it goes out, or the Theta is so completely unprepared it doesn't know quite what is happening and suddenly enturbulates and stays at that level. What we have at tone 0 is a null, and that null is death. From 2.0 down, the enturbulation has gone so far already that it is very hard for affinity, reality and communication to interlock; it is very hard for them to get together again. So they just say, "We can't get together again anyway; we will just start the process of death and get down there and separate." Now, because all Theta seems to be the same Theta (this is one of the reasons valences are so very interesting), there seems to be a sort of a general supply of Theta. For instance, Theta is attracted when a group is formed; Theta suddenly seems to come in from nowhere between an auditor and a preclear Or take mass hysteria: here you get the Theta of the group all going haywire. Groups like governments are generally psychotic. Actually, regardless of the tone of the individuals in a group, the Theta holding that group together is itself at a certain level of the tone scale. I am just giving you here a postulated mechanism of what happens so that you can understand what you are doing a little bit better. Down at the bottom of the scale the entheta is vibrating at such a rate that it repels Theta at the top. I don't know quite how far apart they are on the band when they actually begin to reject each other, but it is probably about two bands apart on the tone scale. What is interesting is that entheta-enturbulated Theta, which is what we call this from 2.0 down-will actually try to reject Theta. In other words, their wavelengths are so dissimilar that they will reject each other. The wavelength at 1.0 is not so different from the wavelength at 2.0 that 1.0 and 2.0 will reject each other. Actually, a person who is a 1.0 and a person who is a 2.0 do find they manage to get along rather well; they can get along. But a person who is a 1.0 and a person who is a 3.0 have a heck of a time getting along together. There seems to be a sort of a natural effort on the part of the entheta to knock out the Theta. The 1.0, for no cause or reason other than his position on the tone scale and that vibration, will try to knock out-nullify-the 3.0. This is domination by nullification. Possibly-and this is not certain, but one could merely postulate this- the person that a 1.5 would be most likely to kill would be a 3.5, not another man who is angry. Watch this and compare it up with some of your data. Theta and entheta reject, one from the other. Entheta rejects Theta; they fly apart. If there is enough entheta and enough Theta they will more or less fly apart; they have opposite polarities. But if there isn't very much Theta, the entheta will just simply turn the Theta into entheta. In other words, a person on the 1.5 band meets a person on the 2.5 band and says, "Yak, yak, yak, yak, yak," and if he says it forcefully enough or suddenly enough, the 2.5 person goes down tone momentarily. Now, let's take a very angry man and a woman who is weak but high on the tone scale. If the woman is near him on the tone scale she will just continue to make him more angry until death ensues as a sort of a tacit consent. But if she were way above him, the woman actually would tend to damp out his anger. She would go down the tone scale a little bit, but he would come up the tone scale slightly and he would come out of anger, gradually, as they lived together. Another thing that happens is that if you take a small volume of Theta and a large volume of entheta, that large volume of entheta will try to knock out that Theta and turn it into entheta. It is inevitable. But if you take a large volume of Theta and a relatively smaller volume of entheta, that Theta will try to turn the entheta into Theta. In other words, Theta tries to make Theta out of entheta; entheta tries to make entheta out of Theta. Theta tries to seek its own level on the tone scale. If you understand this, you can look at a person and tell about where he is on the tone scale, and you can anticipate or predict what he is going to do even if you haven't got a chart. Let's take an angry man-that is his chronic tone-and tell him about a new plan to build a nice park. What would happen? He is not going to be interested in that park except for one thing. He is going to come right back and say, "The thing to do with that land is so-and-so and so- and-so"-snarl! crash!-"and that's wrong!" Now let's take another situation, a little plan that has come up in the city whereby they are going to feed beggars. They are going to feed the poor who come through the town and so forth. So he snarls, "If they were any good they'd have money like I've got . . ." and so on; that is the kind of reaction you get at that level of 1.5. Down at 1.1 you are liable to get a reaction like "Well, we should feed them, but feed them very poorly, you know?" Now, if we have one angry man and we have fifteen very high-toned people around him, what will happen to this very angry man who is 1.5 on the tone scale? These other people, of course, will foolishly try to reason with him; he is below the level of reason but they will try to reason with him. They will try to do various things with him. But they will try to do something about him in order to get him up the scale. The whole group will come down just a little bit, and they will pull this fellow up. In other words, one tries to convert the other into itself. If you understand this mechanism, you are all set. Let's get very practical now. We can say there is just so much Theta on a case, and if 70 percent of it has become enturbulated, that means it has 70 percent entheta and 30 percent Theta. If we go down a time track and there is a Theta deposit and an entheta deposit, we can't get into that entheta area; we just can't get into it. But there is Theta on the track that has already been invested in pleasure moments. Let us say this entheta deposit is a telephone call. All you have to do is send the person to telephones-any telephone. You can't get into this telephone call, so send him to any telephone. You don't ask him to phone on this phone; just get some scenes, get him to remember where phones were or anything like that. The next thing you know, you have picked up enough Theta on the subject that you can go on, maybe, to telephones ringing. See if he can pick up some telephones ringing. You are sneaking up on a terrific secondary. It may be the death of Aunt Agatha or something. Here is this ally's death, and you want to get this up. What you do, then, is go to times when he was talking on the telephone, particularly a pleasant conversation. And then you get him to remember different telephone conversations. The first thing you know, almost automatically, you have picked up enough Theta on the subject of telephones-and then if you want to get really smart, you pick up enough Theta on Aunt Agatha too-so that the Theta on that particular chain of locks will just walk right into this secondary. It is right there! You don't have to tell him to go to that telephone conversation. If you know that there is a big secondary on this case, you just test people on the case till you find one who is occluded. Now just start scanning or start Straightwire on other people who were in the same environment as this occluded person, or start Straightwire on the environment this person was in and keep on working on the environment and the people who were associated with this person-for instance, this person was part of the group, but he is occluded. The next thing you know, this occluded person will come into view and you will have some kind of a lock. This happens automatically. The Theta tackles the entheta on this subject. You are right there on top of it; run it out! If it doesn't run out, don't bog your preclear down into it and don't shove him into it hard; just find some more telephones, find some more telephones ringing, find some more Theta, until all of a sudden you have worked it up and you will be in there again. Maybe this time you will make the grade. And if you don't make the grade this time, then do it all over again. The first thing you know, you will have enough Theta and you will spring him out of this thing. You may have noticed that Lock Scanning occasionally winds a person up in a secondary. That is a very simple mechanism: you are going down a chain of locks, picking up Theta, and all of a sudden all that Theta tackles the entheta. You have more Theta on the subject now than you have entheta, and the Theta will just tackle the entheta. In other words, there is an attempt on the part of the Theta to change the wavelength of that entheta. This is all automatic; it is like turning on an electric light. You are dealing here with very specific mechanics. An auditor is as good as he understands and believes in his tools. An auditor who says "The somatic strip will go to the fourth of June, 1936," and then proceeds just as though it has gone there, has validated it because he believes in it. He has demonstrated a belief in it. He doesn't fish around and say "Are you there now? Are you sure that's the fourth of June? Mightn't it be the fifth? Are you sure you were in Buffalo? Oh. The somatic strip will now go to where I said!" That puts in a present time confusion-an overall sense of confusion-and of course the guy can't do anything about getting to the fourth of June. But if you just say, with certainty and confidence, "The somatic strip will go to the fourth of June, 1936. All right. Give me your visio there," maybe he will start to flinch on it (this fellow hasn't been trusting his somatic strip or something of the sort), but you are so sure that the somatic strip is there that he will really contact. And an auditor who is certain, confident and calm and way up the tone scale just goes along perfectly smoothly. He knows his preclear can do this, he knows his preclear is a human being, he knows his preclear has an analyzer, he is mainly addressing analytical subjects, he is trying to validate the reality of the preclear he isn't arguing with him, he never doubts the fact this preclear has reality contacts, he never doubts that he can communicate, and so on. In other words, his conduct is Theta conduct. He is Theta and his behavior toward the preclear is Theta; the group has Theta within it in spite of how enturbulated this preclear is. So the auditor continues in this great confidence, and by putting confidence and Theta in present time, he can run the preclear up and down the track and start knocking out locks. And if he works hard enough on it, he will knock out enough locks so this preclear will disenturbulate and come up the tone scale to where he ought to be and to where he can knock out another big chunk of entheta, and so on. The auditor keeps it going progressively and keeps the preclear coming up the tone scale. And then, of course, the auditor goes home and gets it run out of himself! Don't omit that. The time track can be considered to be a bundle of perceptics, computation, conclusions and imagination; but the whole time track is actually just consecutive moments of ARC. And each moment is somewhere on the scale. Actually, if a person had no engrams to pin this Theta down or trap the Theta once it enturbulated, all you would have to do is tell the preclear "Go to conception. Are you there? All right. Forward to present time-begin scanning." You would do that half a dozen times and the fellow would be a 4.0. What we have covered so far is actually the backbone of the tone scale. An auditor understands this; he understands what these various bands are. They aren't just levels of emotion. Now, there is such a thing as Theta volume and Theta quality. Don't ask me quite what Theta quality is, but one 4.0 may be able to compute or manifest better than another 4.0. In other words, they have sort of a difference of Theta. All Theta would not be exactly the same. More important than this is volume. There are people with heavy Theta endowments and people with very light Theta endowments. You can notice this, person to person. A person with a heavy Theta endowment who gets down around 1.5 really raises hell. He does what he can with all his might. In other words, he has big volume. He doesn't bother to destroy anything small, and when he destroys something he destroys it thoroughly; he doesn't just chip the edge off. When he gets down to covert hostility he goes down in history as one of the Borgias or something-in other words, the poison in the cup: "How are you this evening? I'm so glad you came. Have a drink?" When this person with a heavy endowment really gets enturbulated- the 70 percent entheta he has is down around grief and present time puts him down around grief-he really has supplication for pity. He really demands sympathy. We get a concept, then, of the fact that there is sort of a difference of vibration, a difference of pitch; but it is all the same stuff all the way down to the bottom of the tone scale, and it is all the same stuff all the way up and down the time track. Whether a person has used his Theta to look at a black cat or a Ming vase doesn't change the fact that you are dealing with the same commodity. Whether he has used his Theta to build up a moment on the track kissing a pretty girl or choking a hated rival, it is the same Theta and it is the same time track. And what you are trying to do is level everything off on as high an activity of Theta as you can. It is remarkable that you are actually restoring more Theta to present time all the time. This Theta gets used up back along the track. That doesn't say that new Theta isn't manufactured somewhere and put into the body or that it isn't manufactured by the Theta of the body, and it doesn't say that the supply is not unlimited. But it does say-and you can observe this -that, as you start processing somebody and sweeping up and down the track, it is evident to you something has changed. Perhaps it is even his endowment; perhaps his endowment gets higher. There is certainly more of his Theta available for computation; there is certainly more to this person than there was before. So you are not just changing somebody statically up the tone scale. He gets to a point, finally, where he will manifest with more volume. Now, you take somebody who is down around 1.5 and has 16,862,000 engrams and locks and has a lot of secondaries and a terrific amount of stuff on the track, and he is only at 1.5- he is not dead! He has still got Theta to spare somehow. When you disenturbulate this person, you really have yourself something-but haven't you got fun trying to disenturbulate him! There is plenty of entheta kicking around on that track. Of course, this person normally has compartmented off the entheta and he is running on 2 percent or 5 percent of his endowment and is manifesting like some clears. I have seen some of these people do this-they are terrific! But when they get mad and the Theta goes down into the entheta band where they really live, they really destroy. This was Hitler. In the upper band, this Theta is interested in changing MEST. Theta in a relatively pure state will do a good job on changing MEST, and it will change MEST in the direction of making it possible for more Theta to conquer more MEST. Down in the 1.5 band, that entheta thinks in terms of destroying more MEST per erg of work; it sure will change MEST-atom bombs and other "good, constructive" activity. But up in the higher reaches, the Theta thinks in terms of constructing more things per erg of work-"How little effort can we expend to construct all of this?" Actually, the construction urge up in the 4.0 band will permit more Theta to conquer more MEST, and the life of the species goes forward and all that sort of thing. This gives you some sort of an idea of what this tone scale is all about: relative levels of vibration of ARC. It is very simple. The reason you can't process some of these very heavy cases and the reason you can't get into them is that you are taking 2 percent Theta and trying to disenturbulate 98 percent entheta with it. You say to this person, "Go back to basic-basic," and the fellow goes out like a light. Not only is he out of present time but he can't leave present time because there is no present time. You send him back down the track and he really gets confused and groggy, and the case doesn't come up the tone scale. You keep taking 2 percent and investing it in that-and you are lucky to get back 2 percent- until you finally make a complete blunder processing this case too heavily, and you lose the 2 percent and he walks around like he is crazy for a while. For instance, the preclear suddenly jumps off the couch and says, "What the hell are you doing to me?" and other polite talk-he is acutely insane at that instant. That is all insanity is; it is just a superenturbulation. People can be acutely insane, which is enturbulated for the moment, or chronically insane. But what establishes this is whether or not there is any Theta left there to pop out back up the tone scale so they can manifest it. So here you have a process of auditing whereby all you are really trying to do is find enough Theta on this case to make it attack the entheta. If you want to make a test of this, you will find out that it will happen more or less automatically. You keep trying to find Theta on the case. Theta, in other words, is reality, communication and affinity of a high order. So you start contacting all of the reality on this case that you can possibly get-things that are really real to this case-and times he was really in communication and all this sort of thing. Start scanning chains of pleasure moments. Work this case to pick up all the Theta you can possibly pick up. You can take one of these cases that goes around auditing himself all the time, and in two or three days with some validation-type processing, positive processing, you can extrovert him. The reason these people have started self-auditing is they just keep tying back in more and more Theta internally and they start looking in on themselves, so to speak, and they get interested in themselves. You want them interested in the exterior environment- interested in their own preclears, for instance. What you are trying to do, then, is extrovert your preclear; in other words, you are trying to get him to a point where he has enough available Theta to conquer MEST, or at least to observe MEST and see what he can do about that MEST, or straighten out MEST, or join up with other Theta, and so on. You want him to be using his deposit of Theta, his existing amount of Theta; I don't care if it's only 10 percent. Even though he has so much entheta on there that he gets enturbulated and does very weird things down on the lower end of the scale, he still has 10 percent Theta, and you want that 10 percent Theta attacking the environment when he is up in present time, not attacking his entheta. Now, you take one of these people who is out of present time and you give him validation-type processing where he is; you are getting more and more Theta into present time. All of a sudden he will have a present time to be in, because the reason people are out of present time is they don't have enough Theta available to boost themselves into present time. Too much of their Theta is hanging around the edges of some ancient problem trying to solve it. They are back on the time track, in other words. That Theta is trying to attack a body of entheta back on the time track someplace instead of observing present time. Try this validation-type processing. Try to find the Theta on the case; try to find material and incidents which are above 2.0 and ignore material below 2.0. Do that to a case that is self- auditing and that case will extrovert. You can observe this, if you want to; just find yourself somebody who is going around worrying. Dale Carnegie, in his book, says, "Worry is a big obstacle." Believe me, it can be a big enough obstacle to keep a person from coming up the time track. People do all sorts of strange things with fear and worry; for instance, they make speeches on it and write books about it. How to Win Friends and Influence People teaches you everything but how to be sincere and human. It gives, actually, a code of conduct toward other human beings which i8 highly workable, but it does it all on the first dynamic and it completely ignores all the other dynamics. It says the reason why you are nice to people is so you can get things for yourself. That is pretty one-sided. But actually How to Win Friends and Influence People is a good manual for a salesman who doesn't know Dianetics. All you have to know in order to win friends and influence people is just be fairly high on the tone scale. I wanted to give you this basic theory about ARC nulling itself out and so forth because it doesn't appear anyplace else. It is discussed in Science of Survival, but I thought it was a little bit technical and it took quite a bit of explanation.